Pharmacy Tools
Find a participating pharmacy
If you are a member with CarelonRx Pharmacy coverage, you can log in and search online or use these lists to find participating pharmacies in your network.
In the lists, Retail 90 pharmacies are designated with an asterisk (*) and Rx Maintenance 90 pharmacies are designated with a bullet (•).

Rx Choice Network
With the Rx Choice Network, you can choose from two types of pharmacy:
- Level 1 pharmacies: pay your copay as outlined by your benefit design.
- Level 2 pharmacies: pay your copay as outlined plus an additional copay.
- Includes Retail 90 and Rx Maintenance 90
Base Pharmacy Network
(includes Retail 90 and Rx Maintenance 90)
The Base Network is our national pharmacy network and includes over 62,000 retail pharmacies across the country. Please choose the pharmacy network directory according to the state your employer or organization is headquartered. These directories show the participating Base Network pharmacies starting 1/1/2025:
Advantage Network
(includes Retail 90 and Rx Maintenance 90)
CarelonRx's high-performance pharmacy network, the Advantage Network, includes nearly 58,000 independent, regional, and national retail pharmacies across the country.
Performance Network
(includes Retail 90)
CarelonRx's high-performance pharmacy network, the Performance Network, includes nearly 40,000 independent, regional, and national retail pharmacies across the country.