November is Diabetes Awareness Month, an apt time to shine a spotlight on this condition and its impact on the workforce. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how the body turns food into energy, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 38 million adults in the United States have diabetes, with millions more expected to be diagnosed in the coming years.*

Understanding the unique needs of employees with diabetes can create a supportive work environment that promotes their health and well-being. Here are key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Access to Medication: Employees with diabetes may require various medications, including insulin. It's crucial to ensure they have convenient and private access to store and administer their medications during work hours. This helps maintain their health and ensures they can perform their duties effectively.
  • Flexibility for Medical Needs: The ability to manage diabetes goes beyond medication. Employers should consider allowing flexibility for employees to monitor their blood sugar levels, take meal breaks, and address any immediate medical needs that arise. Creating a supportive environment can prevent complications and enhance productivity.
  • Emergency Response Plans: Diabetes can sometimes lead to medical emergencies, such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Having a clear emergency response plan and training staff to recognize and respond to diabetic episodes can make a significant difference in employee safety.
  • Recovery Time: After a diabetic episode, employees may require time to recover. It's important to provide understanding and appropriate accommodations, such as permitting short breaks or time off if necessary.
  • Access to Professional Guidance: Employees may have questions or concerns about their diabetes management or medications. Highlighting the ability to talk to a CarelonRx pharmacist can provide valuable support. Pharmacists can offer expert advice, answer questions, and help employees manage their diabetes more effectively.

By considering these factors and offering the right support, employers can help their team members with diabetes lead healthier, more productive lives. That’s important because a healthy workforce is a happy and efficient workforce.

* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Diabetes Statistics Report (accessed November 4, 2024)


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